What is the vision for SmartPGH?
To become a leader in transportation innovation to address Pittsburgh’s challenges and make all residents’ lives better.
Expand Opportunity
The majority of Pittsburgh’s public housing is clustered within Smart Spine corridors. We will develop our network of Smart Spines to improve connections between isolated neighborhoods and social and economic hubs. Optimizing transit will give residents reliable access to the job centers of Downtown and Oakland.
Improve Health
As our transportation infrastructure is modernized, we’ll continue to make our sources of energy cleaner and more efficient. The ‘Electric Avenue’ project will combine solar canopies and an electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure to convert public vehicles to electric vehicles. Our goal is a 50% reduction in transportation emissions by 2030.
Increase Mobility
Our SmartPGH successes will not be measured in how many new technologies we’ve developed and used, but rather how these transportation projects have improved people’s lives. New transportation routes from previously disconnected neighborhoods, autonomous shuttles and a partnership with the The Allegheny County Department of Human Services (DHS) are are all efforts aimed at helping those who need it most.
Promote Safety
We’re testing adaptive traffic signal technology developed at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) to reduce emissions and lessen traffic. An LED streetlight conversion will also provide an energy savings of up to 60%. Equipped with sensors, the streetlights can collect and transmit data to keep pedestrians and cyclists safe.